You are the Master's Masterpiece
Sunsets and sunrises captivate me. Each of them is uniquely different. There are times my wife and I go to the beach just to catch what I often refer to as the Creator’s excellent eye for art and beauty.
When I sit or stand stunned by the grace of these heavenly marvels, sometimes I think of the words of an accomplished musician, famous poet, well-decorated army General, highly respected political leader, and statesman from the Middle East named David. He said in verse 14 of the Book of Psalms, Chapter 139 from the Holy Scriptures: “I will praise You (God), for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
The experts tell me that a healthy male can release about 1.2 billion sperm at any one time when he ejaculates. That is enough to populate significant cities in the world. Healthcare professionals say they consider less than 39 million per ejaculation a small number. Can you imagine God permitting only one from among the millions of sperm to out-swim the others and pierce one of your mother’s egg, making it possible for you to come into existence? All the others died. Stop and think about that fact for a while. You are exceptionally special. The Creator of this massive universe took delight in choosing you to come into this world. Congratulations! He wanted you to contribute valuably to your family, friends, your foes, and the world. Wow! What an honor.
Gynecologists continue to marvel at the miracle of the developing child in the womb. The brain specialists have no words to describe the marvel of humanity’s mental computer. Dermatologists are brought to silence when trying to explain the largest organ of the body, the skin and the fascinations of its operations. Heart consultants are bowled-over when they observe the central pump in the chest cavity that daily manages volumes of blood flowing throughout the body. Neurologists stand in awe at the over 3 trillion nerves in the human body, which serve every micrometer of the human body. The eye professionals are awestruck at how those tiny but powerful linkages give the eye its sharp focus. Ear specialists have made it their business to comprehend how little bones can create and maintain the balance of the entire body, and the list goes on and on. David had a fantastic moment of reflection when he fathomed how wonderful he was his Master’s Masterpiece. He shouted with excitement: “I will praise you (O Lord) for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
The word “fearfully” means ‘to be astonished and to stand in awe.’ The term “wonderful” comes from a Hebrew word, which means ‘distinguished.’ The expression ‘marvelous’ denotes ‘too difficult to understand’ and ‘extraordinary.’ This political leader, King David, of whom I speak, was overwhelmed and humbled by the excellent way God harmoniously synchronized him. He was dumbstruck and bowled over by the Master Designer’s skill in making him so unique.
King David, who had reached the highest level in his career where he was then leading the most powerful nation in the then known world, acknowledged he was God’s Masterpiece created for a specific purpose. Nobody else fitted his profile. He was able to serve his generation by the will of God and then died (Acts 13:36).
You, too, should see yourself as someone who is on earth with a purpose attached to your life. You are not a mistake, an accident, or here by chance. You are extraordinary in the Designer’s eyes. You are God’s Masterpiece. I concur with Amy Mercree: “Every single person is sacred. Sacred means special, precious, a treasure of true beauty. That means you.”
Since the Creator of the universe selected you to fulfill a particular mission on earth, don’t you think you should give Him full range to help you accomplish such an assignment? I have done so and am enjoying it for over 50 years.
When I sit or stand stunned by the grace of these heavenly marvels, sometimes I think of the words of an accomplished musician, famous poet, well-decorated army General, highly respected political leader, and statesman from the Middle East named David. He said in verse 14 of the Book of Psalms, Chapter 139 from the Holy Scriptures: “I will praise You (God), for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
The experts tell me that a healthy male can release about 1.2 billion sperm at any one time when he ejaculates. That is enough to populate significant cities in the world. Healthcare professionals say they consider less than 39 million per ejaculation a small number. Can you imagine God permitting only one from among the millions of sperm to out-swim the others and pierce one of your mother’s egg, making it possible for you to come into existence? All the others died. Stop and think about that fact for a while. You are exceptionally special. The Creator of this massive universe took delight in choosing you to come into this world. Congratulations! He wanted you to contribute valuably to your family, friends, your foes, and the world. Wow! What an honor.
Gynecologists continue to marvel at the miracle of the developing child in the womb. The brain specialists have no words to describe the marvel of humanity’s mental computer. Dermatologists are brought to silence when trying to explain the largest organ of the body, the skin and the fascinations of its operations. Heart consultants are bowled-over when they observe the central pump in the chest cavity that daily manages volumes of blood flowing throughout the body. Neurologists stand in awe at the over 3 trillion nerves in the human body, which serve every micrometer of the human body. The eye professionals are awestruck at how those tiny but powerful linkages give the eye its sharp focus. Ear specialists have made it their business to comprehend how little bones can create and maintain the balance of the entire body, and the list goes on and on. David had a fantastic moment of reflection when he fathomed how wonderful he was his Master’s Masterpiece. He shouted with excitement: “I will praise you (O Lord) for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
The word “fearfully” means ‘to be astonished and to stand in awe.’ The term “wonderful” comes from a Hebrew word, which means ‘distinguished.’ The expression ‘marvelous’ denotes ‘too difficult to understand’ and ‘extraordinary.’ This political leader, King David, of whom I speak, was overwhelmed and humbled by the excellent way God harmoniously synchronized him. He was dumbstruck and bowled over by the Master Designer’s skill in making him so unique.
King David, who had reached the highest level in his career where he was then leading the most powerful nation in the then known world, acknowledged he was God’s Masterpiece created for a specific purpose. Nobody else fitted his profile. He was able to serve his generation by the will of God and then died (Acts 13:36).
You, too, should see yourself as someone who is on earth with a purpose attached to your life. You are not a mistake, an accident, or here by chance. You are extraordinary in the Designer’s eyes. You are God’s Masterpiece. I concur with Amy Mercree: “Every single person is sacred. Sacred means special, precious, a treasure of true beauty. That means you.”
Since the Creator of the universe selected you to fulfill a particular mission on earth, don’t you think you should give Him full range to help you accomplish such an assignment? I have done so and am enjoying it for over 50 years.